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Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

9 Surprising Facts About Dizziness & Vertigo

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Vertigo Exercises - 9 Surprising Facts About Dizziness & Vertigo

9 Surprising Facts About Dizziness and Vertigo

1. Dizzy Spells May Be Caused by an Inner Ear Problem

One of the most surprising causes of
dizziness is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,
or BPPV.

Your inner ear contains
calcium and protein-based
sensing crystals called

If these crystals are dislodged
and float into your inner ear’s canals,
you may have a brief spinning sensation.

2. Your Ear’s Balance System Controls Blood Flow

When you move from lying down to standing up,
two inner ear structures, the utricle and saccule,
detect gravity.

They tell your cardiovascular system
to direct blood flow to accommodate
your change in position, says Whitman.
When that process goes awry,
it may cause dizziness.

3. Low Vitamin B12 Levels Can Cause Dizziness

Deficiencies in this essential vitamin
may lead to a number of neurological problems,
including feeling off-balance, and having
low blood pressure and decreased blood
flow to your brain.

4. Dizziness May Be a Symptom of Heart Disease

Sometimes dizziness is a sign of
a heart condition.
Among the cardiovascular-related
causes of dizziness are leaking
or narrow heart valves,
arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation,
and atherosclerosis.

These can cause dizziness
because they reduce blood flow to the brain.

5. Migraines Sometimes Cause Vertigo

Other symptoms of migraine-related
vertigo include sensitivity to motion,
light, and sound. About 40 percent of
people who have migraines experience
dizziness or vertigo.

6. Feeling Dizzy May Be Related to Anxiety

Compared with people who don’t have anxiety,
people with anxiety disorders appear to
sway more when subjected to a moving
visual environment. And they sway in a way
that seems to be synchronized with
the visual movement.

7. A Boat Ride or Waterbed Can Cause Dizziness

It’s pretty common to experience
a rocky, dizzy feeling on your
first day back after a cruise.
Some 75 percent of all sailors
can experience such dizzy spells.
Airplanes, cars, and trains can also
cause a wobbly-legs feeling.
Even relaxing on a waterbed
can cause dizziness.

8. Dizziness and Vertigo May Be Side Effects
From Medication

So many drugs can cause
dizzy spells that there are
too many to even list.

That said, high doses of
blood pressure medication
can cause dizziness, especially
in older adults and in people
who have started a dose
that’s too high for them.

9. Your Diet or Dehydration Could Make You Dizzy

Even mild dehydration may be
why you’re feeling dizzy or
light-headed. Dehydration can
also cause blood pressure
to drop, which can lead to
dizzy spells, notes the AHA.
Dieting can also result in
feelings of dizziness, because
some diets cause dehydration.

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